Our very own Alastair Dickie and James Waterson of Simply Finance have a goal this year, to cycle from the south tip to the north tip of Ireland in 6 days, starting off on the 25th August 2019 covering just over 500 miles.
The route winds its way north along the Atlantic Coast from Mizen Head to Malin Head, a beautiful journey for a great cause.
Alastair and James are cycling for 2 wonderful charities, one being Leuchie House in North Berwick which provides short breaks and holiday respite care for MS sufferers https://www.leuchiehouse.org.uk and the second is The Patrick Wild Centre https://patrickwildcentre.com/ who provide research to test new therapies for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), intellectual disabilities (ID) and Fragile X syndrome , which James’s son, Harry, is affected by.
The target is to raise £20,000 to further support these charities in their amazing work.
You can help Alastair and James by donating on the Just Giving page found here: